With the objective of catering to the high demand of medical professionals in the country Lyceum Campus has taken the leap to establish the Lyceum Campus Faculty of Medicine to support the medical field in terms of producing quality graduates who can excel in their career while servicing the nation. The Faculty of Medicine has developed a spiral, module based, integrated student centered  curriculum in keeping with the current trend in Medical Education.   

Teaching methods such as Problem Based Learning, Small Group Discussions, Student centered and staff centered seminars, Debates, Inter-Disciplinary Activities, field attachments and Family Medicine as a component clinical science have been included. Training in clinical skills in a safe environment will be provided using a dedicated Clinical Skills Laboratory. The student is encouraged by these methods to be a long-term self-learner. Behavioral Sciences to improve the much needed personal and professional attributes of students and the Community based learning are other important features of the newly developed curriculum. 

Clinical teaching will be mostly carried out in the Chilaw District Base Hospital and its affiliated institutions.